Jet Ski Bill of Sale Form

A jet ski bill of sale is a form used to transfer the ownership of a personal watercraft (PWC) from a seller to a buyer. It includes a description of the machine, the contact information of the buyer and seller, as well as the payment details. The document must be signed by both parties to be considered valid. It is important to check state notarization requirements prior to signing.


What is a Jet Ski Bill of Sale?

A jet ski bill of sale is a document that provides evidence that a buyer legally acquired a jet ski. It is often used to verify ownership and may be needed to register in certain states.

The form must include the following:

How to Sell A Jet Ski (4 Steps)

When selling a jet ski, it is important to stay organized and plan ahead. Follow these five (5) steps to prepare, list, and sell.

Step One – Prepare

Properly maintaining the jet ski makes it last longer. As a result, it sells for more money. Regularly removing it from lakes, oceans, or rivers helps to prevent corrosion. Similarly, storing it indoors decreases its exposure to humidity, which causes rust, mold, and mildew growth.

Regardless of its care plan, the jet ski needs to be cleaned before potential buyers tour it. While owners can detail it themselves, it can also be done professionally. It is most important to remove dirt and grime so that it looks its best.

Step Two – Set a Price

Typically, a used jet ski is priced between $5,000 and $20,000. Its age, brand, year, and engine type have the greatest impact on cost.

It is important to list at a price that is realistic for both the buyer and seller. Therefore, it can be helpful to have the PWC appraised. NADA is a free service that calculates an estimate using the factory price and area code of the seller. PWC Trader provides users with pricing data from other jet skis, which is based on its make, model, and year.

Step Three – List

When listing a jet ski it is important to consider the quality of the advertisement. The owner needs to include clear photos and a full description of the equipment. A jet ski can be listed on the following sites:

Aside from online sales, a seller can list their jet ski through a dealership. This method is the least time-consuming, although it is not as profitable. On average, the owner must pay the dealer 10% of the selling price.

Step Four – Sign Bill of Sale

Once the seller and buyer have agreed on a price, they must fill out a bill of sale. Important details about the jet ski need to be included, such as the make, model, year, color, cubic centimeters (CCs), hours, and vehicle identification number (VIN).

Additionally, it is important for both parties to list their contact information, such as their name, address, phone number, and email. The payment details, like the sale price, taxes, and type of payment (e.g. check, credit card, cash, etc.), must be recorded, as well.

After both parties complete the document, the buyer pays the seller. Then, both parties sign the document. Once this step occurs, the seller no longer has ownership of the item. Instead, the buyer is the rightful owner and has responsibility for the jet ski.