Learn Robotic Process Automation with RPA Tutorials for Beginners

While we've been able to rapidly create and scale the UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform, we understand that the key to advancing automation learning methods and the application of robots lies in sharing quality resources with the community.

As the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) market continues to grow — projections reflect that the industry will be worth $3.1 billion by 2019 and reach $4.9 billion by 2020 — prepared, educated RPA experts are more in demand than ever.

To share our passion for and knowledge of RPA with the UiPath Community, we've created a library of RPA video tutorials for beginners. These lessons provide industry-leading, free resources for our current and future users to help you develop the skills and knowledge to make their RPA journey successful.

No matter what your automation learning goals are, UiPath offers a full suite of resources to help you become an RPA expert including the UiPath RPA Community Forum, RPA Academy, Academic Alliance, and the community edition, a free version of the UiPath software.

In this article, we've summarized our library of RPA tutorial to help beginners become the next generation of RPA rock stars:

Robotic Tutorials for Beginners

1 . Basic Concept Series RPA Tutorial for Beginners

Intro to UiPath

The UiPath Basic Concept Series, the first RPA tutorial for beginners, introduces you to the three main products that make up our RPA platform: UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot, and UiPath Orchestrator.

UiPath Studio is an advanced tool that allows users to design automation processes in a visual way through diagrams. UiPath Robot then executes those processes either unattended (without human supervision) or attended (with a human’s action triggering the process).

This initial tutorial covers the multiple types of workflows and activities available in Studio (sequences, flowcharts, and transactional business processes) to tailor your process to your needs. It also teaches you the basics of recorder functionality, which is often the easiest way to create workflows. Recordings fall into one of four categories: Basic, Desktop, Web, and Citrix.

You’ll also learn variables and .Net functions in order to store values and enhance your automations with functions such as .Trim and .ToString. Additionally, you’ll be introduced to UiPath Executors and Orchestrators, which can interact with many applications at once and coordinate multiple robots.

Finally, you’ll wrap up the lesson with an introduction to assets and queues as well as logs, audit, alerts, and other role management tools.

Activities, Variables, and Data Types

The UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform is your number-one tool for automating your business process.

A background in programming concepts such as variables, if/else decisions, and loops is helpful but not necessary to get the most out of this lesson.

In our Activities, Variables, and Data Types tutorial, you’ll learn about the UiPath Studio interface, particularly the activities and properties panel, workflow designer, flowcharts and sequences, and variable types.

The activities panel holds all the action you need to automate different applications and data processing actions. Additionally, the Studio is where you’ll build your automation, and the properties panel allows you to change the different parameters and settings of your process.

Control Flow

In UiPath, you can dictate the order in which actions take place through the activities you drop into your workflow, If. Else or For Each statements, and carefully placed loops.

Our Control Flow RPA tutorial for beginners is the most detailed of our Basic Concept videos. In this lesson, you’ll learn about mastering “If. Else” and “For Each” statements as well as loops, both of which are important to be aware of when designing particular sequences of actions.

Loops are structures used to automate repetitive tasks. At the simplest level, points are connected in the workflow in the order they occur, stacking on top of each other. Within the main body section, sequences can also be laid out to repeat secondary actions.

2 . Excel Automation and DataTables RPA Tutorial for Beginners

Virtually every business that uses computers depends on standardized document types and communication channels to allow for the efficient exchange of information.

With this RPA tutorial for beginners, we want to make sure that you can quickly get started integrating the most important data inputs and outputs into your RPA workflows.

In our Excel and DataTables Automation tutorial, you'll learn how these tools are used around the world to process and store data, from simple recruiting pipelines to the most complex financial analysis.

This lesson covers Excel application scopes — containers that enable you to work with all other Excel activities. You’ll also learn how to use the most popular Excel activities such as Read Range, Append Range, and Read Cell. Additionally, this video covers popular DataTable activities.

3 . Data Manipulation in RPA Automation

Variables allow you to store all kinds of data through three main types of variables in Studio: scalar, collections, and tables. Understanding the difference between the variable types and their unique applications will enable you to manipulate the information you need to create smooth automation across the board.

Our Data Manipulation tutorial shines a light on the three main types of variable classifications as well as UiPath’s unique GenericValue variable.

You’ll also go beyond the technical elements to learn how to approach organizing automation projects to leverage reliability, efficiency, maintainability, and extensibility when organizing automation projects.

4 . User Interface Automation Tutorial for Beginners

RPA bots allow for efficient automation by directly learning from human users and interacting with user interfaces just as humans would.

The UiPath Enterprise RPA Platform allows you to build robots that can easily mimic your processes and actions through screen scraping and recording. Based on the techniques you’ll learn in this RPA beginner tutorial series, your robots can act quickly and directly on the applications you use by identifying the language or images on the screen to trigger action.

Recording allows you to simply and quickly capture the steps of a process to create a seamless automation that imitates the human process. By mastering the following recorders through our UiPath Recording RPA tutorial for beginners , you’ll learn to expertly mimic your actions with automation:

The tools allow you to create automation for single activities, desktop applications, multiple actions, web apps, and virtualized environments.

The Basic recorder is suited for singular activities, while the more complex Desktop, Web, and Citrix recorders are designed for their respective environments. Additionally, you’ll learn how to use the manual recording for the input and output of data.

Advanced UI Automation

In order to truly master processes that enable your robot to act directly on the applications or web page you’re automating with clicks, typing, shortcuts, and other actions, you must learn the ins and outs of input and output actions.

Input and output functionality allows your robot to operate in the background while quickly and efficiently interfacing with your applications.

The Advanced UI Interaction Tutorial will teach you how to assign actions and control feedback mechanisms via advanced UI automation.

Our tutorial primarily focuses on: