Stay-at-Home Order for Coronavirus: What Does it Mean?

A family working together on a <a href=puzzle while they follow their local stay-at-home order." width="350" height="243" />

Stay at home, shelter in place, safer at home: Across the country, states and individual counties dealing with the coronavirus outbreak have been ordering residents to stay at home as much as possible. These stay-at-home orders aim to enforce social distancing, a method for slowing down the spread of COVID-19. Governor Ralph Northam announced a stay-at-home order for Virginia residents on March 30th. We’ve talked about sheltering in place before. Usually, it’s related to a severe weather event or industrial accident. With COVID-19, a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home order will be a little different than those situations. We spoke with Robert Truoccolo, MS, CEM, director of the emergency management team at UVA Health, on how to respond to stay-at-home orders.

Make a Family Emergency Plan

Find more guides and checklists, check out from the Department of Homeland Security.

Cough, Fever, Difficulty Breathing?

The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those of other respiratory illnesses. If you or a loved one have symptoms, call your doctor or local UVA clinic. If you’re unsure where to call, contact us at 434.98.COVID (982-6843).

Think you have COVID-19? Check your symptoms.

Build or Resupply Your Go-Kit

A disaster supplies kit, or “go-kit,” is a collection of basic items your household may need in case you need to relocate to another area. Go-kits should be an essential part of everyone’s emergency preparedness efforts. Although you won’t need a go-kit to fulfill a stay-at-home order, it’s still important to have one ready. Things can change quickly, and you want to make sure you’re ready when they do.

Take a moment to check the supplies you have on hand. Add additional items you might need for this particular event. “Think about all the essential items you and your family may need during a stay-at-home order,” says Truoccolo. “Have pets? Perhaps stash an extra bag of kibble. Taking prescription medications? Make sure they are filled, and change to a 90-day supply, if possible.”

Common items in a go-kit include:

Prepare for Possible Illness

Right now, the best way for you and your family to keep from getting COVID-19 is to continue practicing social distancing and following good hygiene habits, like washing your hands frequently. If there’s a stay-at-home order in place, you can leave your home if you need groceries or have to go to work. But the point of the order is to minimize how much you’re in public, so you don’t accidentally pick up the virus somewhere.

Even with good hygiene, you should still prepare for the possibility of someone getting sick in your house. You should:

UVA Health’s Response

Find Ways to Cope

People are social animals. It’s part of our nature to want to interact with others. You and your household members will react to social distancing and stay-at-home orders in different ways, some of which you may not have expected.

You’ll also likely feel a number of emotions, including nervousness and fear about the future. Find ways to help each other cope. It’s good to:

Make sure to talk with each other about the outbreak. Try to stay calm and reassure each other that you’ll be safe.

When the Order Comes Down

This is what you’ve planned for. If your local government does put in a stay-at-home order, it’s because there is an active outbreak in your area. Each state or county will have their own set of guidelines about how to protect yourself and what you should and shouldn’t do.

Make sure you’re aware of the specifics of the guidelines, so you’re protecting yourself and others as best as possible. It’ll also help you plan when to take grocery trips and where you can go outside for exercise and enjoyment.

Stick to your plan and make sure to:

Most importantly: Keep practicing good personal hygiene, social distancing and recommended cleaning habits!