Contact Us

If you can't find what you're looking for on our website, please contact us. Our medical professionals are ready to help you. To schedule or reschedule an appointment or to message your provider, please call your Sanford provider or log in to My Sanford Chart. For all other needs, call using the numbers below or email us a general question using our Contact Us form. Call 911 immediately if you have a medical emergency. Appointments (Schedule/Reschedule) or Contact Provider: Please log in to My Sanford Chart or call your Sanford clinic
Billing/Patient Accounts: (877) 629-2999
Careers: (877) 243-1372
Veterans Information Hotline: 1 (800) 949-1848

Regional Phone Numbers

Bemidji, MN

Medical Records Requests
(218) 333-5216
Gift Shop
(218) 333-5791
General Information
(218) 751-5430
1 (800) 833-8979
Patient Relations
(218) 333-5996 Donations
(218) 333-5505
My Sanford Nurse

Bismarck, ND

Medical Records Requests
(701) 323-6161
Gift Shop
(701) 323-6124
General Information
(701) 323-6000
1 (800) 932-8758
Patient Relations
(701) 323-1050 Donations
(701) 323-8450 My Sanford Nurse

Medical Records
(701) 234-2366 Gift Shop
Downtown Gift Shop: (701) 234-6670
South University Gift Shop: (701) 280-4400
Southpointe Gift Shop: (701) 234-8855
New Medical Center Gift Shop: (701) 417-2144 General Information
(701) 234-2000 Patient Relations
(701) 234-5876 Donations
(701) 234-6246 My Sanford Nurse

Sioux Falls, SD

Medical Records Requests
(605) 312-5800 Gift Shop
(605) 333-6361 General Information
(605) 333-1000 Patient Relations
(605) 333-6546 Donations
(605) 312-6700 My Sanford Nurse

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