Analysis Report on the Development of the Chinese Film Industry in 2023

The year 2023 marked a period of burgeoning opportunities and a return to rationality for the Chinese film industry. Throughout the year, favorable policies continued to guide the comprehensive recovery of the industry. The film market flourished again, and segmented distribution officially commenced, with new directors achieving notable successes. However, the Chinese film industry also faced challenges, such as lukewarm investment enthusiasm, uneven market demand during different periods, a shortage of high-quality films, and the rise in profit share for micro and short dramas. In the future, it will be necessary to adhere to policy-driven, creativity-driven, market-driven, enterprise-driven, and technology-driven strategies to achieve high-quality recovery and sustainable development.

Corresponding author: Hanwen Liu, School of Communication , Fujian Normal University , Fuzhou , Fujian , China , E-mail:

Translated by Te Hu, Communication University of China, Beijing, China, E-mail:

About the authors

Hanwen Liu

Hanwen Liu is a professor and doctoral supervisor from the School of Communication, Fujian Normal University.

Hang Shi is a Doctoral Candidate from the School of Communication, Fujian Normal University. This article is a periodic achievement of the major project of the National Social Science Fund of Arts, “Research on the Theoretical System Construction of Chinese Film Schools” (Project No: 18ZD14).


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The originally article entitled 2023 年中国电影产业发展分析报告 was published in Dangdai Dianying 当代电影 (Contemporary Cinema) 2024(2): 15–24.